The biggest problem is wealth inequality. You have an entire staff at your disposal that can look up the relevant studies, but most Americans are being left behind - the middle class is disappering - which means people now can't afford housing, vacations, child care, and on and on.

The second largest problem is Christian Nationalism. Its stated goal is the replacement of democracy with theocratic autocracy. Many of your colleagues in government and SCOTUS are active leaders in the movement - especially Justice Alito and Mike Johnson - and there will never be healthcare, gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and on and on if they are only reserved for white Christian men. Equally as important to their movement is the anti-science educational model. The goal is biblical education leaving our entire adult population absolutely unable to function in a modern world. As well, they are preparing for the End Times which includes the destruction of the Jews and Muslims and so forth. THEY ARE ACTIVELY PROMOTING THE COMPLETE DOMINATION OF THE EARTH BY CHRISTIANS, AND THE END OF THE EARTH in preparation for Jesus' return.

You must address those two things as all others hinge on their resolution. We'll leave aside the fact that the GOP is now wholly backing fascism as its main platform. There is no band-aid solution for that.

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Not if the media industrial complex corporations remain antifederalist.

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Excellent idea and it’s about time, these kinds of discussions should be the benchmark for all parties in congress. Would love to see the work you produce actually become important bi-partisan legislation that actually benefits the American people. Thank you for starting these discussions.

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